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Past Loves - 29 June 2010

Playgirl Corset | Blog |  Past Loves - 29 June 2010

We all have them. That one person you think you'll never get over. Yes, you do...don't deny it. We all do.

That one person who you were certain you couldn't live without. That one person who made you feel like the happiest you've ever been... 'cept for the tiny detail that they never really loved you back. Unrequited love. And really, once you get over them, you'll realize you never really loved them either.

No; you loved the idea of love. You loved the idea that they could be 'the one'. They looked the part and if only they loved you as much as you thought you loved them, then they would be perfect, wouldn't they? You two could have been the perfect couple. Quelle dommage that it wasn't so. Quel horreur that they never gave you the attention you deserved; that they didn't return your calls, texts or emails in a timely and polite fashion. And so on and so forth...

My point in all of this is: get over it, darling. Don't waste another second of your precious life pining over what-ever-their-name-is. They don't deserve it. And more importantly: you don't deserve to put yourself through such brutal emotional injustice for someone who never really cared.

I'm being a little rough with my advice, I know. Sometimes it might feel better to be held and left to cry in the arms of a sympathetic friend. But once you've done that, please do yourself a favour and let go. You (like me) may just find your true love if you do.

Playgirl Corset > Blog > Past Loves - 29 June 2010
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